2 Messages
Digest #3671
CRM direct 1.0 - Mobile CRM, Mail Client and Document Management by "prMac Mailer"
Arabic Language Scale - Free App for Measuring Child's Language Age by "prMac Mailer"
Sat Nov 15, 2014 3:15 am (PST) . Posted by:
"prMac Mailer"
CRM direct 1.0 - Mobile CRM, Mail Client and Document Management - Published on 11/15/14
MTbrain iOS Development today announces the upcoming launch of CRM direct 1.0, a new CRM tool for sales and account managers. CRM direct aims to provide an easy-to-use CRM tool which allows the IMAP mail box integration into Customer Relationship Management, a feature in a self-contained iPad app which leads to a seamless and efficient sales business experience without media breaks. Easily transfer eMail content from the inbox directly into CRM business documents in one step.
Langenfeld, Germany - MTbrain iOS Development today announces the upcoming launch of "CRM direct 1.0," a new CRM tool for "Sales & Account" managers. CRM direct aims to provide an easy-to-use CRM tool which allows the IMAP mail box integration into Customer Relationship Management - a feature in a self-contained iPad apps which leads to a seamless and efficient sales business experience without media breaks.
"CRM direct" is a self-contained CRM tool for all sales and service related businesses. Beside many other customer related features necessary for a successful Customer-Relationship-Management it has an IMAP/SMTP eMail integration - up to date not seen very often in self-contained CRM apps.
This new IMAP Mail feature allows users to directly integrate their eMail inboxes from servers providing the IMAP/SMPT protocol (i.e. Google Mail, AOL and many others). Users can manage their eMail-Server directly from within the app and transfer eMail content from the inbox directly into their CRM business documents including all file attachments - in one step.
Werner Schmidtberg (Founder MTbrain): "Sales business is a highly-dynamic area that requires speed, energy, organization and the mastering of the real challenge: the seamless integration of all the steadily growing business information in one place. Very often today major parts of business information comes by eMail - simple price requests, full blown RFP's, negotiation and contract documents. The normal means of an iPad device or an eMail client does not cover the direct integration and organization of such eMails - here CRM direct comes into play and helps sales professionals stay organized. And all this while featuring an intuitive design that won't sap away their energy due to frustrations with the design."
Some of the core features at a glance:
Manage Contacts:
* Import address book and syncing with the local customer base
* Classify important customer attributes and business behavior
* Communicate via Mail, Skype and FaceTime
* Geolocate customer's location and find a route
Mail Client integration:
* Receive/send eMails from own Mail-Server (IMAP standard)
* Transfer eMail content directly to a Log/Task
* Use of all eMail attachments in Logs/Tasks
Manage Events:
* Create schedules with Calendar synchronization
* Documentation of all logs, task and opportunities in a central place
* Definition of customized events, event templates, eMail and Print Layouts
Manage Documents:
* Creating reports and share it with colleges
* Handling file attachments (pdf, xls, pptx, doc, rtf, csv, txt, html, gif, jpg)
* Dashboard overview for opportunities
* Dropbox integration to store files and backups
* Mail and Print structured by customizable sheets
CRM direct is a rich featured CRM tool for all 'customer-related' business activities. Its function scope has been created together with business professionals. Elegantly designed, thoughtfully presented, CRM direct is extensive and completed - an essential tool for any busy team member while there are on the go.
Technical Notes:
* Languages: CRM direct is fully localized and comes with system languages: English, German and Spanish
* Operating System: iOS7 (compatible with iOS8)
* Devices: tested on iPad2, iPad3, iPad Air
Pricing and Availability:
CRM direct will be available for download on the App Store at Nov, 21st, 2014 (within Business category and Productivity categories). CRM direct comes with a highly-discounted launch price of $4.99 for two weeks. Normal price: $14.99 (USD).
MTbrain: http://www.mtbrain.de
CRM direct: http://www.mtbrain.de/crm-direct/
App catalog: http://www.mtbrain.de/catalog/
Based in Langenfeld, NRW, Germany, MTbrain iOS Development is a small team of independent software developers founded 1991 by Werner Schmidtberg. Nearly 20 years MTbrain has developed customized software solutions for eBusiness and Research and Development, like artificial expert systems for the heavy industrial use on analytical devices like mass spectrometers and high pressure liquid chromatography. Since 2010 MTbrain has extended its field of activities on the Apple iOS devices with the goal of providing high quality business, scientific and educational software. All Material and Software (C) 1991-2014 MTbrain iOS Development / All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPad and iPhone are registered trademarks of Apple Computer in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Werner Schmidtberg
Chief Engineer
+49 1719409553
LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/mtbrain/40/144/9b5
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=71776&ac=PKpAc7Oa
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-71776.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=71776
RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-11457.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-11457.htm
MTbrain iOS Development today announces the upcoming launch of CRM direct 1.0, a new CRM tool for sales and account managers. CRM direct aims to provide an easy-to-use CRM tool which allows the IMAP mail box integration into Customer Relationship Management, a feature in a self-contained iPad app which leads to a seamless and efficient sales business experience without media breaks. Easily transfer eMail content from the inbox directly into CRM business documents in one step.
Langenfeld, Germany - MTbrain iOS Development today announces the upcoming launch of "CRM direct 1.0," a new CRM tool for "Sales & Account" managers. CRM direct aims to provide an easy-to-use CRM tool which allows the IMAP mail box integration into Customer Relationship Management - a feature in a self-contained iPad apps which leads to a seamless and efficient sales business experience without media breaks.
"CRM direct" is a self-contained CRM tool for all sales and service related businesses. Beside many other customer related features necessary for a successful Customer-Relationship-Management it has an IMAP/SMTP eMail integration - up to date not seen very often in self-contained CRM apps.
This new IMAP Mail feature allows users to directly integrate their eMail inboxes from servers providing the IMAP/SMPT protocol (i.e. Google Mail, AOL and many others). Users can manage their eMail-Server directly from within the app and transfer eMail content from the inbox directly into their CRM business documents including all file attachments - in one step.
Werner Schmidtberg (Founder MTbrain): "Sales business is a highly-dynamic area that requires speed, energy, organization and the mastering of the real challenge: the seamless integration of all the steadily growing business information in one place. Very often today major parts of business information comes by eMail - simple price requests, full blown RFP's, negotiation and contract documents. The normal means of an iPad device or an eMail client does not cover the direct integration and organization of such eMails - here CRM direct comes into play and helps sales professionals stay organized. And all this while featuring an intuitive design that won't sap away their energy due to frustrations with the design."
Some of the core features at a glance:
Manage Contacts:
* Import address book and syncing with the local customer base
* Classify important customer attributes and business behavior
* Communicate via Mail, Skype and FaceTime
* Geolocate customer's location and find a route
Mail Client integration:
* Receive/send eMails from own Mail-Server (IMAP standard)
* Transfer eMail content directly to a Log/Task
* Use of all eMail attachments in Logs/Tasks
Manage Events:
* Create schedules with Calendar synchronization
* Documentation of all logs, task and opportunities in a central place
* Definition of customized events, event templates, eMail and Print Layouts
Manage Documents:
* Creating reports and share it with colleges
* Handling file attachments (pdf, xls, pptx, doc, rtf, csv, txt, html, gif, jpg)
* Dashboard overview for opportunities
* Dropbox integration to store files and backups
* Mail and Print structured by customizable sheets
CRM direct is a rich featured CRM tool for all 'customer-related' business activities. Its function scope has been created together with business professionals. Elegantly designed, thoughtfully presented, CRM direct is extensive and completed - an essential tool for any busy team member while there are on the go.
Technical Notes:
* Languages: CRM direct is fully localized and comes with system languages: English, German and Spanish
* Operating System: iOS7 (compatible with iOS8)
* Devices: tested on iPad2, iPad3, iPad Air
Pricing and Availability:
CRM direct will be available for download on the App Store at Nov, 21st, 2014 (within Business category and Productivity categories). CRM direct comes with a highly-discounted launch price of $4.99 for two weeks. Normal price: $14.99 (USD).
MTbrain: http://www.mtbrain.de
CRM direct: http://www.mtbrain.de/crm-direct/
App catalog: http://www.mtbrain.de/catalog/
Based in Langenfeld, NRW, Germany, MTbrain iOS Development is a small team of independent software developers founded 1991 by Werner Schmidtberg. Nearly 20 years MTbrain has developed customized software solutions for eBusiness and Research and Development, like artificial expert systems for the heavy industrial use on analytical devices like mass spectrometers and high pressure liquid chromatography. Since 2010 MTbrain has extended its field of activities on the Apple iOS devices with the goal of providing high quality business, scientific and educational software. All Material and Software (C) 1991-2014 MTbrain iOS Development / All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPad and iPhone are registered trademarks of Apple Computer in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Werner Schmidtberg
Chief Engineer
+49 1719409553
LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/mtbrain/40/144/9b5
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=71776&ac=PKpAc7Oa
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-71776.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=71776
RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-11457.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-11457.htm
Sat Nov 15, 2014 4:30 am (PST) . Posted by:
"prMac Mailer"
Arabic Language Scale - Free App for Measuring Child's Language Age - Published on 11/15/14
Ahmed T-Nabarawy is pleased to announce the release of Arabic Language Scale 1.0 for iOS, a language test which is standardized on normal Arabic speaking children from upper and lower Egypt. This scale is used mainly to identify children who have a language disorder or delay. The app is composed of two sub-scales, Auditory Comprehension sub-scale and Expressive Communication sub-scale. It is the first and only medically approved scale used for measuring young children's language age.
El Ryad, Saudi Arabia - Ahmed T-Nabarawy is pleased to announce the release of Arabic Language Scale 1.0 for iOS, a standardized language test, which is standardized on normal Arabic speaking children from upper and lower Egypt. This scale is used mainly to identify children who have a language disorder or delay.
The Arabic Language Scale application is composed of two sub-scales, Auditory Comprehension (AC) sub-scale (it contains 62 items) and Expressive Communication (EC) sub-scale (it contains 71 items). AC sub-scale includes test tasks that are important precursors for language development (e.g. attention to speakers, appropriate object play), test tasks that assess basic vocabulary, concepts, grammatical markers, understand complex sentences and inferences. EC sub-scale includes items that, examine the expression of vocal development, social communication, quantity, use of specific prepositions, grammatical markers and telling a short story.
The Arabic Language Scale application is used to obtain the child's language age starting from the moment of birth. The Arabic Language Scale application is designed to be easily applied by non professional person (as the child's caregiver). The Arabic Language Scale application will yield a result composed of
1. Raw score for bot sub-scales
2. Standard score for both sub-scales
3. Language age for both sub-scales
4. Total language age
The best advantage about The Arabic Language Scale application that it tells you whether your child is in need for professional rehabilitation or not, also it will list the items that your child failed to answer so you can improve your child's language ability and language age.
Device Requirements:
* Compatible with iPad
* Requires iOS 7.0 or later
* 233 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Arabic Language Scale 1.0 is Free and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Education category. Users can access the information about the scale and how to apply it. When you are ready to apply it you can purchase either the Single application (which allow single test use) or the Unlimited application (which will be great for application on several children and follow up application).
Ahmed T Nabarawy: http://eventagrate.com/
Arabic Language Scale 1.0: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id917330526
Screenshot 1: http://a2.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple3/v4/8c/30/e1/8c30e114-06f1-755a-1e61-8a906d6b3c2e/screen480x480.jpeg
Screenshot 2: http://a5.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple3/v4/4e/ee/e5/4eeee500-a6d9-1f98-8855-ee523ed92be0/screen480x480.jpeg
App Icon: http://a3.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple4/v4/b0/04/e2/b004e2c4-ad77-927f-6e83-db2e03a14afe/icon175x175.jpeg
Ahmed T-Nabarawy is based in El Ryad, Saudi Arabia, founded on 2012. Ahmed T-Nabarawy is a privately held company focusing solely on mobile applications. Ahmed T-Nabarawy builds exciting applications on the iPhone/iPad platform but other platforms such as Android and Windows mobile are also targeted. The philosophy behind all its application is bringing in fun, productivity and ease of use in the mobile user experience. Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Ahmed T.Nabarawy. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Ahmed T. Nabarawy
Media Contact
Saudi Arabia
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=71789&ac=PKpAc7Oa
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-71789.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=71789
RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-21798.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-21798.htm
Ahmed T-Nabarawy is pleased to announce the release of Arabic Language Scale 1.0 for iOS, a language test which is standardized on normal Arabic speaking children from upper and lower Egypt. This scale is used mainly to identify children who have a language disorder or delay. The app is composed of two sub-scales, Auditory Comprehension sub-scale and Expressive Communication sub-scale. It is the first and only medically approved scale used for measuring young children's language age.
El Ryad, Saudi Arabia - Ahmed T-Nabarawy is pleased to announce the release of Arabic Language Scale 1.0 for iOS, a standardized language test, which is standardized on normal Arabic speaking children from upper and lower Egypt. This scale is used mainly to identify children who have a language disorder or delay.
The Arabic Language Scale application is composed of two sub-scales, Auditory Comprehension (AC) sub-scale (it contains 62 items) and Expressive Communication (EC) sub-scale (it contains 71 items). AC sub-scale includes test tasks that are important precursors for language development (e.g. attention to speakers, appropriate object play), test tasks that assess basic vocabulary, concepts, grammatical markers, understand complex sentences and inferences. EC sub-scale includes items that, examine the expression of vocal development, social communication, quantity, use of specific prepositions, grammatical markers and telling a short story.
The Arabic Language Scale application is used to obtain the child's language age starting from the moment of birth. The Arabic Language Scale application is designed to be easily applied by non professional person (as the child's caregiver). The Arabic Language Scale application will yield a result composed of
1. Raw score for bot sub-scales
2. Standard score for both sub-scales
3. Language age for both sub-scales
4. Total language age
The best advantage about The Arabic Language Scale application that it tells you whether your child is in need for professional rehabilitation or not, also it will list the items that your child failed to answer so you can improve your child's language ability and language age.
Device Requirements:
* Compatible with iPad
* Requires iOS 7.0 or later
* 233 MB
Pricing and Availability:
Arabic Language Scale 1.0 is Free and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Education category. Users can access the information about the scale and how to apply it. When you are ready to apply it you can purchase either the Single application (which allow single test use) or the Unlimited application (which will be great for application on several children and follow up application).
Ahmed T Nabarawy: http://eventagrate.com/
Arabic Language Scale 1.0: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id917330526
Screenshot 1: http://a2.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple3/v4/8c/30/e1/8c30e114-06f1-755a-1e61-8a906d6b3c2e/screen480x480.jpeg
Screenshot 2: http://a5.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple3/v4/4e/ee/e5/4eeee500-a6d9-1f98-8855-ee523ed92be0/screen480x480.jpeg
App Icon: http://a3.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple4/v4/b0/04/e2/b004e2c4-ad77-927f-6e83-db2e03a14afe/icon175x175.jpeg
Ahmed T-Nabarawy is based in El Ryad, Saudi Arabia, founded on 2012. Ahmed T-Nabarawy is a privately held company focusing solely on mobile applications. Ahmed T-Nabarawy builds exciting applications on the iPhone/iPad platform but other platforms such as Android and Windows mobile are also targeted. The philosophy behind all its application is bringing in fun, productivity and ease of use in the mobile user experience. Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Ahmed T.Nabarawy. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Ahmed T. Nabarawy
Media Contact
Saudi Arabia
Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=71789&ac=PKpAc7Oa
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-71789.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=71789
RSS Feed: http://prmac.com/rss-member-21798.htm
Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-21798.htm