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[MacNews] Digest Number 3717


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Digest #3717


Tue Dec 23, 2014 3:00 am (PST) . Posted by:

"prMac Mailer"

Save 50% When You Purchase All Ten iNutrient Apps As A Bundle - Published on 12/23/14


Independent iOS Developer, James Hollender has set it up so when you purchase all ten iNutrient apps as a bundle, you get each app for approximately 50% off. These apps cover the following nutrients: Calories, Carbohydrates, Cholesterol, Fiber, Potassium, Proteins, Saturated Fat, Sodium, Sugars and Vitamin K. This collection is great for those interested in looking up the values in foods and don't need to collect the information based on your food intake.

Revere, Massachusetts - Independent iOS Developer, James Hollender has set it up so when you purchase all ten iNutrient apps as a bundle, you get each app for approximately 50% off. These apps cover the following nutrients: Calories, Carbohydrates, Cholesterol, Fiber, Potassium, Proteins, Saturated Fat, Sodium, Sugars and Vitamin K. All ten apps are universal apps that can be used on the iPhone, iPad or iPod touch devices.

1. iKals - iNutrient: Calories:
The iKals app provides information about foods and how they are rated for Calorie content. This is provided as a means to assist in deciding which foods to eat. The food servings are rated from EXTREMELY LOW in Calories all the way up to EXTREMELY HIGH. The following colors help readily identify which is which:

* Black = EXTREMELY HIGH in Calories (500 - 1,181)
* Dark Red = VERY HIGH in Calories (400 - 499)
* Red = HIGH in Calories (300 - 399)
* Orange = MODERATELY HIGH in Calories (250 - 299)
* Yellow = MODERATE in Calories (200 - 249)
* Light Green = MODERATELY LOW in Calories (150 - 199)
* Green = LOW in Calories (100 - 149)
* Cyan = VERY LOW in Calories (50 - 99)
* White = EXTREMELY LOW in Calories (00 - 49)

2. iCarbs - iNutrient: Carbohydrates:
The iCarbs app provides information about foods and how they are rated for carbohydrate content. This is provided as a means to assist in deciding which foods to eat. If you are a bodybuilder, you probably want to have a high intake of carbohydrates, but on the other hand if you have diabetes you need to make sure you don't exceed your recommended daily amount of carbohydrates. The food servings are rated from EXTREMELY LOW in Carbohydrates all the way up to EXTREMELY HIGH. The following colors help readily identify which is which:

* Black = EXTREMELY HIGH in Carbohydrates (Carbs) (45.01 - 166.46 g)
* Dark Red = VERY HIGH in Carbs (30.01 - 45.00 g)
* Red = HIGH in Carbs (15.01 - 30.0 g)
* Orange = MODERATELY HIGH in Carbs (12.01 - 15.00 g)
* Yellow = MODERATE in Carbs (9.01 - 12.00 g)
* Yellow-Green = MODERATELY LOW in Carbs (6.01 - 9.00 g)
* Green = LOW in Carbs (3.01 - 6.00 g)
* Cyan = VERY LOW in Carbs (0.01 - 3.00 g)
* White = EXTREMELY LOW in Carbs (0.00 g)

3. iCholesterol - iNutrient: Dietary Cholesterol:
The iCholesterol app provides information about foods and how they are rated for content of dietary cholesterol. This is provided as a means to assist in deciding which foods to eat. The food servings are rated from EXTREMELY LOW in cholesterol all the way up to EXTREMELY HIGH. The following colors help readily identify which is which:

* Black = EXTREMELY HIGH in Cholesterol (151 - 641 mg)
* Dark Red = VERY HIGH in Cholesterol (81 - 150 mg)
* Red = HIGH in Cholesterol (51 - 80 mg)
* Orange = MODERATELY HIGH in Cholesterol (31 - 50 mg)
* Yellow = MODERATE in Cholesterol (21 - 30 mg)
* Light Green = MODERATELY LOW in Cholesterol (11 - 20 mg)
* Green = LOW in Cholesterol (6 - 10 mg)
* Cyan = VERY LOW in Cholesterol (1 - 5 mg)
* White = EXTREMELY LOW in Cholesterol (0 mg)

4. iFiber - iNutrient: Fiber:
The iFiber app provides information about foods and how they are rated for content of fiber. This is provided as a means to assist in deciding which foods to eat. The food servings are rated from EXTREMELY LOW in fiber all the way up to EXTREMELY HIGH. The following colors help readily identify which is which:

* Black = EXTREMELY HIGH in Fiber (10.1 - 31.2 g)
* Dark Red = VERY HIGH in Fiber (8.1 - 10.0 g)
* Red = HIGH in Fiber (6.1 - 8.0 g)
* Orange = MODERATELY HIGH in Fiber (4.1 - 6.0 g)
* Yellow = MODERATE in Fiber (3.1 - 4.0 g)
* Light Green = MODERATELY LOW in Fiber (2.1 - 3.0 g)
* Green = LOW in Fiber (1.1 - 2.0 g)
* Cyan = VERY LOW in Fiber (0.1 - 1.0 g)
* White = EXTREMELY LOW in Fiber (0.00 g)

5. iPotassium - iNutrient: Potassium:
The iPotassium app provides information about foods and how they are rated for content of potassium. This is provided as a means to assist in deciding which foods to eat. The food servings are rated from EXTREMELY LOW in potassium all the way up to EXTREMELY HIGH. The following colors help readily identify which is which:

* Black = EXTREMELY HIGH in Potassium (> 700 mg)
* Dark Red = VERY HIGH in Potassium (501 - 700 mg)
* Red = HIGH in Potassium (351 - 500 mg)
* Orange = MODERATELY HIGH in Potassium (201 - 350 mg)
* Yellow = MODERATE in Potassium (151 - 200 mg)
* Light Green = MODERATELY LOW in Potassium (101 - 150 mg)
* Green = LOW in Potassium (51 - 100 mg)
* Cyan = VERY LOW in Potassium (11 - 50 mg)
* White = EXTREMELY LOW in Potassium (0 - 10 mg)

6. iProteins - iNutrient: Proteins:
The iProteins app provides information about foods and how they are rated for protein content. This is provided as a means to assist in deciding which foods to eat. If you are a bodybuilder, you probably want to have a high intake of carbohydrates, but on the other hand if you are a vegan then you want to make sure you are taking in a sufficient amount of protein. The food servings are rated from EXTREMELY LOW in Proteins all the way up to EXTREMELY HIGH. The following colors help readily identify which is which:

* Black = EXTREMELY HIGH in Proteins (30.01 - 51.89 g)
* Dark Red = VERY HIGH in Proteins (20.01 - 30.00 g)
* Red = HIGH in Proteins (15.01 - 20.00 g)
* Orange = MODERATELY HIGH in Proteins (12.01 - 15.00 g)
* Yellow = MODERATE in Proteins (9.01 - 12.00 g)
* Yellow-Green = MODERATELY LOW in Proteins (6.01 ➤ 9.00 g)
* Green = LOW in Proteins (3.01 - 6.00 g)
* Cyan = VERY LOW in Proteins (0.01 - 3.00 g)
* White = EXTREMELY LOW in Proteins (0.00 g)

7. iSatFat - iNutrient: Saturated Fat:
The iSatFat app provides information about foods and how they are rated for content of saturated fat. This is provided as a means to assist in deciding which foods to eat. The food servings are rated from EXTREMELY LOW in fiber all the way up to EXTREMELY HIGH. The following colors help readily identify which is which:

* Black = EXTREMELY HIGH in Saturated Fat (10.001 - 33.000 g)
* Dark Red = VERY HIGH in Saturated Fat (5.001 - 10.000 g)
* Red = HIGH in Saturated Fat (3.001 - 5.000 g)
* Orange = MODERATELY HIGH in Saturated Fat (1.001 - 3.000 g)
* Yellow = MODERATE in Saturated Fat (0.501 - 1.000 g)
* Light Green = MODERATELY LOW in Saturated Fat (0.101 - 0.500 g)
* Green = LOW in Saturated Fat (0.011 - 0.100 g)
* Cyan = VERY LOW in Saturated Fat (0.001 - 0.010 g)
* White = EXTREMELY LOW in Saturated Fat (0.000 g)

8. iSodium - iNutrient: Sodium:
The iSodium app provides information about foods and how they are rated for content of sodium. This is provided as a means to assist in deciding which foods to eat. The food servings are rated from EXTREMELY LOW in cholesterol all the way up to EXTREMELY HIGH. The following colors help readily identify which is which:

* Black = EXTREMELY HIGH in Sodium (> 1,000 mg)
* Dark Red = VERY HIGH in Sodium (501 - 1,000 mg)
* Red = HIGH in Sodium (401 - 500 mg)
* Orange = MODERATELY HIGH in Sodium (301 - 400 mg)
* Yellow = MODERATE in Sodium (201 - 300 mg)
* Light Green = MODERATELY LOW in Sodium (141 - 200 mg)
* Green = LOW in Sodium (51 - 140 mg)
* Cyan = VERY LOW in Sodium (11 - 50 mg)
* White = EXTREMELY LOW in Sodium (0 - 10 mg)

9. iSugars - iNutrient: Sugars:
The iSugars app provides information about foods and how they are rated for content of sugars. This is provided as a means to assist in deciding which foods to eat. The food servings are rated from EXTREMELY LOW in sugars all the way up to EXTREMELY HIGH. The following colors help readily identify which is which:

* Black = EXTREMELY HIGH in Sugars (40.01 - 166.46 g)
* Dark Red = VERY HIGH in Sugars (30.01 - 40.00 g)
* Red = HIGH in Sugars (20.01 - 30.0 g)
* Orange = MODERATELY HIGH in Sugars (15.01 - 20.00 g)
* Yellow = MODERATE in Sugars (10.01 - 15.00 g)
* Light Green = MODERATELY LOW in Sugars (5.01 - 10.00 g)
* Green = LOW in Sugars (1.01 - 5.00 g)
* Cyan = VERY LOW in Sugars (0.01 - 1.00 g)
* White = EXTREMELY LOW in Sugars (0.00 g)

10. Vitamin K - oNutrient: Vitamins K1, K1D & K2:
The Vitamin K app provides information about foods and how they are rated for Vitamin K content. This is provided as a means to assist in deciding which foods to eat if you are using blood thinning medications such as Coumadin or Warfarin. The food servings are rated from NO Vitamin K all the way up to EXTREMELY HIGH in Vitamin K. The following colors help readily identify which is which:

* Black = EXTREMELY HIGH in Vitamin K (700.0 - 1146.6 mcg)
* Dark Red = VERY HIGH in Vitamin K (300.0 - 699.9 mcg)
* Red = HIGH in Vitamin K (25.0 - 299.9 mcg)
* Orange = MODERATELY HIGH in Vitamin K (20.0 - 24.9 mcg)
* Yellow = MODERATE in Vitamin K (15.0 - 19.9 mcg)
* Light Green = MODERATELY LOW in Vitamin K (10.0 - 14.9 mcg)
* Green = LOW in Vitamin K (5.0 - 9.9 mcg)
* Cyan = VERY LOW in Vitamin K (0.1 - 4.9 mcg)
* White = EXTREMELY LOW in Vitamin K (0.0 mcg)

This collection would be good if you're only interested in looking up the values in foods and don't need to collect the information based on your food intake ... otherwise consider the single iNutrients app where you can record information once for all ten nutrients and you can create your own custom food definitions.

James Hollender: http://www.hollender.com/index.html
All iNutrient Apps Bundle: https://itunes.apple.com/app-bundle/all-inutrient-apps/id917498465
iNutrients 2.1: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id580660547

Based in Revere, Massachusetts, Indie developer James Hollender is a well seasoned Information Technology professional who has been familiar with Apple products since the days of the first Macintosh computer and has been involved with object oriented programming since the introduction of Java, culminating most recently in writing apps in Objective C for the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. His innovative ideas have resulted in numerous suggestions and other awards including a commendation from The President of the United States. James Hollender has been involved writing iPhone and iPad apps with Foliage, Kronos, Olympus, Cross Country Automotive Services (now Agero), and Valmarc Corporation. Copyright (C) 2010-2014 James Hollender. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, and iPod are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.


James Hollender
United States

LinkedIn Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/jimhollender

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Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-6440.htm

Tue Dec 23, 2014 3:00 am (PST) . Posted by:

"prMac Mailer"

WidgetCal 1.1 - Display Events and Reminders Without Unlocking Device - Published on 12/23/14


Yunasoft today announces WidgetCal 1.1, an update to their productivity app for iOS devices. Designed for efficiency, WidgetCal allows users to access their calendar when their device is in lockscreen mode. With just a swipe, WidgetCal displays events and reminders in the Notification Center. Available in both weekly or monthly view, users can even add an event or reminder directly into the WidgetCal display. WidgetCal also displays the full title of events rather than just dots.

Seoul, Republic of Korea - Yunasoft today is pleased the announce the release and immediate availability of WidgetCal 1.1, an update to their productivity app for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices. WidgetCal was designed to help improve efficiency and allow the user to quickly and conveniently access their schedule without the extra step of unlocking their device.

With just a downward swipe of a locked device, WidgetCal displays events and reminders in the Notification Center. Users can view their scheduled events and reminders in either monthly or weekly display mode. For added convenience, WidgetCal also allows users to add or edit an event or reminder in real-time directly through the Notifications Center. All additions or edits to the Calendar are updated automatically. Moreover, WidgetCal displays title of events rather than just dots like most another apps, so users can view their schedules more easily.

Feature Highlights:
* Displays full event title in monthly view instead of just dots
* Simple and intuitive User Interface
* Displays events and reminders in Notification Center
* Updates events and reminders automatically and in real-time
* Ability to view schedule in Lockscreen
* Weekly or monthly view
* Ability to navigate previous or next month
* Custom font and size
* Visible calendar controls
* Sunday or Monday start option
* Fadeout past events option
* ToDo carry over
* Fully integrated with Awesome Calendar

Users have several customizations they have the option of incorporating with WidgetCal. Past events can be faded out and users have control over which of their calendars they would like displayed. WidgetCal offers users the ability to customize the font type and size as well as whether they would like their calendar to start on a Sunday or Monday. It will also carry over any ToDos not checked off by the user.

Version 1.1 includes new features to improve its functionality. A button has been added so users can more easily access the Previous/Next month or week. WidgetCal is also now available ad-free though an in-app purchase. The update includes several bug fixes as well.

"WidgetCal offers quick and convenient access to your events and reminders - even if your device's lockscreen is activated!" says Robert Kwon, CEO of Yunasoft. "You can also update your schedule directly from the Notification Center and it will automatically update in real-time. WidgetCal can be a real time-saver and is fully integrated with Awesome Calendar, which is one of the most popular and powerful calendar apps in the AppStore. Just give WidgetCal a try and you'll see why our users describe it as fantastic, amazing, and totally awesome."

Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch
* Requires iOS 8.0 or later
* 9.4 MB

Pricing and Availability:
WidgetCal 1.1 is free and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Productivity category. The ad-free version of WidgetCal is available through an in-app purchase.

WidgetCal 1.1: http://yunasoft.com/2014/11/05/widget-for-awesomecal-has-been-released/
Download from iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id919048459
YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHj_tIFxIR4
Screenshot 1: http://a3.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple4/v4/a4/37/c0/a437c0f2-bde5-c955-34dd-25e9d468d882/screen568x568.jpeg
Screenshot 2: http://a3.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple4/v4/7a/99/cd/7a99cdc1-0cf5-b905-3ee4-9e562269e168/screen568x568.jpeg
App icon: http://a1.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple5/v4/9d/fb/99/9dfb9926-db2e-5863-2827-fc85eefa75a8/icon175x175.png

Based in Seoul, Republic of Korea, Yunasoft Inc. was founded in 2011. Known for its AwesomeCalendar app, Yunasoft primarily develops apps for the iOS platform. Copyright (C) 2014 Yunasoft Inc. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone and iPod are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.


Robert Kwon
Korea, Republic Of

Trackback URL: http://prmac.com/release-trackback.php?id=72616&ac=PKpAc7Oa
Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-72616.htm
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Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-33036.htm

Tue Dec 23, 2014 3:17 am (PST) . Posted by:

"prMac Mailer"

G-Zone - A Free, Simple, Quick-To-Play, Addicting Game - Published on 12/23/14


California based MehtaiPhoneApps today introduces G-Zone 1.0, their brand new game title for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch devices. The goal is very simple; Control a moon to avoid asteroids and stay alive for as long as you can. Tap and adjust the orbit of a moon to control it and dodge asteroids that are flying across the screen. This free game features simple controls and can easily become addicting, as it is fun trying to beat your high score.

Milpitas, California - MehtaiPhoneApps today is proud to announce the release G-Zone 1.0, their brand new game title for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch devices. The goal is very simple; Control a moon to avoid asteroids and stay alive for as long as you can. Tap and adjust the orbit of a moon to control it and dodge asteroids that are flying across the screen. While this might sound simple, it actually is not and trying to achieve a better score is very challenging. This free game features simple controls and can easily become addicting, as it is fun trying to beat your high score. No matter how much time you have, G-Zone is the perfect pick-up-and-play game; whether it is a few seconds or a few hours.

G-Zone features a tap to control interface.
* Tap once to move the moon away from the planet, thereby decreasing the gravitational pull on the moon
* Tap again to move the moon towards the planet, thereby increasing the gravitational pull
* Use this ability to dodge the asteroids flying across the screen
* Survive as long as possible

G-Zone's interface is also very simple, and consumer friendly. The tutorial section explains everything to the point, it is easy to turn off the sound, and the leaderboards section shows you how well you are doing as compared to your friends. There is no other game like G-Zone on the App Store. It is a completely new concept that has potential, like said by one of the reviewers.

Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
* Requires iOS 6.0 or later
* 28.2 MB
* Rated: 4+

Pricing and Availability:
G-Zone 1.0 is Free and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Family and Action Games categories. Give G-Zone a try and see how long you can survive.

G-Zone 1.0: https://itunes.apple.com/app/g-zone/id932686907
Screenshot 1: http://a4.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple5/v4/b0/bb/39/b0bb393e-ff18-aee8-caca-e2ec6c034219/screen320x320.jpeg
Screenshot 2: http://a4.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple1/v4/d2/d9/85/d2d98586-d22d-f926-bff4-0e04031f5e14/screen320x320.jpeg
Screenshot 3: http://a2.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple3/v4/ed/08/4e/ed084e9d-aa83-f6c9-f30e-95ff7273d9c5/screen320x320.jpeg
Screenshot 4: http://a2.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple3/v4/b5/92/57/b592574e-3bf4-6423-2eee-ed1ad77e6539/screen320x320.jpeg
Screenshot 5: http://a3.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple3/v4/ee/5b/98/ee5b9868-2bf0-7b3a-5f44-b5b4a8bb3340/screen320x320.jpeg

Located in Milpitas, California, MehtaiPhoneApps is a privately held company whose focus is on iOS development. Their games are simple to play, addicting, and perfect for a quick break at office or a bus ride. Copyright (C) 2014 MehtaiPhoneApps. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPad, iPad mini, iPod touch, and Mac are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.


Nikhil Mehta
App Developer
United States

Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mehtaiphoneapps/889176784448927
Twitter Profile: https://twitter.com/mehtaiphoneapps

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Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-28665.htm

Tue Dec 23, 2014 3:30 am (PST) . Posted by:

"prMac Mailer"

Put Your Accuracy to Test with Iceberg Tower - New Addictive iOS Game - Published on 12/23/14


This winter Ultralab challenges players to build the highest pile of ice in the new game Iceberg Tower. This is a winter version of a recently popular game The Tower. Players must build a high column by carefully placing the sliding ice blocks while enjoying amazing art style of the game. In order to get points in Iceberg Tower, one needs to accurately stack ice blocks upon each other in a way that the edges of a new block match the edges of the previous one.

Minsk, Belarus - Ultralab today announces the release of Iceberg Tower 1.0 for iOS, their new free game that comes under the slogan "The sky is not the limit." Iceberg Tower has a simple yet challenging gameplay and is sure to evoke some nostalgic feelings in the seasoned mobile gamers. In order to get points in Iceberg Tower, one needs to accurately stack ice blocks upon each other in a way that the edges of a new block match the edges of the previous one. If any part of the block sticks out, it falls off, and next blocks become shorter, making the game more challenging. Playing Iceberg Tower requires top-notch timing and accuracy skills.

The gamer will be entertained by the occasional curious objects found frozen into the ice. The next ice brick may contain any curious object: a fish or even a loaf of French bread, to name a few. Often these surprise objects add a few points to the current score. The bonus points are assigned randomly, so besides outstanding tapping skills, gamers could do with some luck. The growing scores are not the only reward in Iceberg Tower: amazing sceneries are revealed as players make their way higher and higher.

Device requirements:
* iPhone, iPad and iPod touch
* Optimized for iPhone 6 and 6+
* Requires iOS 7.1 or later
* 18.1 MB

Pricing and Availability:
Iceberg Tower 1.0 is Free and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Games category.

Ultralab: http://ultralabapps.com/
Iceberg Tower 1.0: https://itunes.apple.com/app/iceberg-tower-sky-is-not-limit!/id945688139
YouTube Video (Trailer): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAka6bq-dDo
Screenshot: http://apphunters.co/Iceberg_Tower_Screenshot_1.png
App Icon: http://apphunters.co/Iceberg_Tower_Icon.png

Founded in 2012, Ultralab is a community of talented developers, illustrators and marketers committed to the idea of creating apps and games that inspire, empower and entertain. All Material and Software (C) Copyright 2014 Ultralab. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.


Viktoria Buhtarevich
PR and Marketing

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Tue Dec 23, 2014 3:30 am (PST) . Posted by:

"prMac Mailer"

Solutions for Adobe InDesign and PDF Workflows on 50% off Holiday Sale - Published on 12/23/14


Zevrix Solutions, a developer of automation solutions for Adobe InDesign, PDF workflows and file delivery, announces today a holiday sale until December 31. The company offers 50% discount on all software including product bundles. Zevrix products include plug-ins for InDesign and Illustrator that automate printing and exporting, reduce linked image size and simplify file packaging. The company's software also automate PDF printing and conversion, file delivery and output from Microsoft Office.

Toronto, Canada - Zevrix Solutions, a developer of automation solutions for Adobe InDesign, PDF workflows and file delivery, announces today a holiday season sale until December 31. The company offers 50% discount on everything in Zevrix online store including product bundles. Zevrix products include several popular plug-ins for Adobe InDesign and Illustrator, which help professionals automate printing and exporting, produce error-free documents, save disk space and cut overall production costs.

"Zevrix software its the best kept secret out there for the Graphic Design industry," says Darren Rath of eponymous design studio in Melbourne, Australia. "It rocks and continues to impress and improve at a scary rate. I thank you and my printers thank you, as every piece of artwork that flies out of here requires no intervention by the prepress departments."

The following products are available on sale:
* LinkOptimizer for InDesign, which reduces link size by eliminating excess image data, performs essential picture adjustments, and converts file formats. LinkOptimizer lets users save gigabytes of disk space, cut down on processing time and reduce production costs.

* Output Factory for InDesign, which automates printing and exporting and offers batch output, layer versioning, export as single pages, preflighting, variable file names and more. A server version that processes files from watched hot folders is also available.

* InPreflight for InDesign, which offers advanced preflighting as well as automatic packaging of multiple files. InPreflight helps users eliminate errors, save disk space and cut production time by collecting all linked files into a single location.

* Zevrix tools for PDF workflows let users batch print PDF files and automate their preflighting, color conversion and format exchange. The company also offers batch output solutions for Microsoft Office, file delivery with email notifications, and quality control software for images and vector graphic files.

Pricing and Availability:
Zevrix software can be purchased at 50% off until December 31, 2014 from the Zevrix website. For details, please visit Zevrix online. Product trials are also available for download. All Zevrix products require Mac OS X 10.6-10.10; InDesign and Illustrator solutions require Adobe CS3-CC 2014 software.

Zevrix Solutions: http://zevrix.com
Download: http://zevrix.com/download.php
Purchase: http://zevrix.com/store.php
Screenshot: http://zevrix.com/screenshots/of1/main-results.png

Located in Toronto, Canada, Zevrix Solutions provides automation and productivity solutions for Adobe Creative Cloud software, PDF workflows, graphic file diagnostics and Microsoft Office output on Mac OS. Zevrix is dedicated to help professionals increase their profits through automating everyday tasks, producing error-free documents, saving disk space and cutting production costs. For more information, visit their website. Copyright (C) 2014 Zevrix Solutions. All Rights Reserved. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.


Leo Revzin

Facebook Profile: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Zevrix-Solutions/44343149780
LinkedIn Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/company/zevrix-solutions
Twitter Profile: https://twitter.com/Zevrix

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Tue Dec 23, 2014 3:45 am (PST) . Posted by:

"prMac Mailer"

Drink or Doom - Comic book themed drinking game for extra tipsy holidays - Published on 12/23/14


Innovative, comic book themed drinking game for Android and iOS devices that helps you party like Caligula. Drink or Doom title says it all. It's a game that offers you a choice between your drink or your doom, doom represents a mixture of challenges that make players do anything from slapping, kissing, impersonations, singing, dancing, calisthenics to public shame, Facebook shame, morning after shame and other types of activities better left unrecorded.

Zagreb, Croatia - Holidays are coming; they naturally consist of eating, drinking, free time and house parties. Developers at Daygames created Drink or Doom for this occasion, an innovative, comic book themed drinking game for Android and iOS devices that helps you party like Caligula. Drink or Doom is created with an intention to turn any social gathering into a night worth remembering, it can be played by up to 12 people. Developers spent hours crafting a mixture of challenges that make you do anything from slapping, kissing, impersonations, singing, dancing, calisthenics to public shame, Facebook shame, morning after shame and other types of activities better left unrecorded.

Drink or Doom is a drinking board game where players choose between embarrassing challenges, hence the Doom in it's title, or drinking. Most of the game takes place off screen where you drink your favorite drink and do picture worthy challenges with or to your friends. This game will test your boundaries and friendship of everyone involved.

Game begins with a quick set up where players choose their super hero, color and enter their name. Players can also enter additional data to the BAC calculator if they want the game to calculate approximate BAC values (i.e. how drunk they are). Once the game starts players throw the dice and make their choices.

Drink or Doom goes an extra mile to motivate players to party with Hall of Fame and Trophies for most drinks, laps and accepted challenges. There's also an option to create your own Custom Challenges. "We know that our challenges could never meet the preferences of everyone, so we gave you the power to create your own. That way players can add challenges that would never get approved by the app store." says Boris Mikic, lead programmer of Daygames.

Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
* Requires iOS 5.1 or later
* Optimized for iPhone�5, iPhone 6/6 Plus
* 33.3 MB

Pricing and Availability:
So if you're in a holiday mood, and have an empty house, make sure you get Drink or Doom today, stock up and get ready for some unforgettable parties. Drink or Doom 1.0.0 is $2.99 USD (or equivalent amount in other currencies) and available worldwide through the App Store in the Games category. There is also an Android version available on Google Play.

Drink or Doom 1.0.0: http://day-games.com/games/drink-or-doom-drinking-game/
Purchase and Download (iOS): https://itunes.apple.com/app/drink-or-doom-comic-book-themed/id944293379
Purchase and Download (Google Play): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.daygames.drinkdoom.android.trinkspiel
Screenshots: http://s1276.photobucket.com/user/daygames/slideshow/Drink%20or%20Doom%20Assets?sort=2
App Icon: http://a1.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple1/v4/67/c2/55/67c255a6-2b0e-c86e-219b-7ade47d156e4/icon175x175.jpeg

Stationed out of Zagreb, Croatia, Daygames is driven to make games that make people scream at their phone and keep coming back for more. As the creator of Drink or doom, King of Booze, Floaty Hamster, Aladdin: Magic Carpet Racing, Star Doge: Much Message, Very Internet, and Word Cloud World: Internet Mind, Daygames makes fun, enjoyable games for a variety of audiences. All Material and Software (C) Copyright 2014 Daygames. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.


Kristian Markovic

Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/drink.or.doom

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Tue Dec 23, 2014 4:00 am (PST) . Posted by:

"prMac Mailer"

Free holiday themed sound set in the latest version of Scratch Disc App - Published on 12/23/14


Today the makers of the popular Scratch Disc music app for iOS announce a special holiday gift for its users. Take scratching performances to the extreme with superhuman turntablism. Scratch Disc provides up to 12 turntable slots to load any sound imaginable and then scratch scratch scratch it to make rhythms and effects. The recently released version 1.0.2 update adds a variety of festive holiday content featuring all new sounds celebrating Christmas, Hanukah and New Years.

Palo Alto, California - Today the makers of the popular Scratch Disc music application announce a special holiday gift for its users. The recently released version 1.0.2 update adds a variety of festive holiday content featuring all new sounds celebrating Christmas, Hanukah and New Years.

"Scratching Santa's voice to a hip hop beat is a great way to have fun with the family during the holiday break!" says Kristin Graffagnino, the publisher of the Scratch Disc App.

Scratch Disc is a unique app for music lovers of all ages. It offers access to twelve simultaneously active turntables for scratching beats and sound effects. Most professional DJ setups feature two turntables. Twelve turntables at once gives anyone access to superhuman DJ skills while actually making the process of scratching easier.

The app debuted in November and immediately received rave reviews from many musician enthusiast websites including Music App Blog and the Sound Test Room.

Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
* Requires iOS 7.1 or later
* Optimized for all screen sizes
* Optimized for iPhone 5, 6/6 Plus
* Universal Application
* 33.3 MB

Pricing and Availability:
Scratch Disc 1.0.2 is Free and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Music category. A single $3.99 In-App-Purchase unlocks all premium features.

Scratch Disc 1.0.2: http://scratchdisc.com
Download from iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/app/scratch-disc/id938058816
YouTube Video (Demo): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGvKgWoZFAY
Screenshot: http://scratchdisc.com/holiday-screenshot.png
App Icon: http://scratchdisc.com/scratch-disc-icon.png

Based in Palo Alto, California, Kristin Graffagnino (aka DJ BlondieK) is a DJ at the San Francisco monthly dance party "Fringe" and also a publisher of audio applications. Her first app "Scratch Disc" debuted in November 2014. Copyright (C) 2014 Kristin Graffagnino. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.


Kristin Graffagnino
United States

Twitter Profile: https://twitter.com/scratchdiscapp

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Tue Dec 23, 2014 5:30 am (PST) . Posted by:

"prMac Mailer"

DC Thomson's 110% Gaming Magazine is now on Magzter Digital Newsstand - Published on 12/23/14


Global multi-platform newsstand and magazine store, Magzter, publishes the digital version of DC Thomson's kids gaming title, 110% Gaming. 110% Gaming is aimed at eight to 12 year-old kids and focuses on multi-platform gaming and entertainment. Magzter is already home to digital versions of a number of DC Thomson titles including Commando, Dennis the Menace & Gnasher's EPIC! Magazine, My Weekly, The Beano, The Scots Magazine, Scottish Wedding Directory, Evergreen, WWE Kids, and more.

New York, New York - Global multi-platform newsstand and magazine store, Magzter, publishes the digital version of DC Thomson's kids gaming title, 110% Gaming. 110% Gaming is aimed at eight to 12 year-old kids and focuses on multi-platform gaming and entertainment. Magzter is already home to digital versions of a number of DC Thomson titles including Commando, Dennis the Menace & Gnasher's EPIC! Magazine, My Weekly, The Beano, The Scots Magazine, Scottish Wedding Directory, Evergreen, WWE Kids, The People's Friend and This England.

"It's great to see our new kids gaming magazine, 110% Gaming, on Magzter. A number of our titles are already available on the platform and it provides us with another great channel for reaching existing and new audiences," said Ian Cowley, Digital Content Manager, DC Thomson.

"DC Thomson is an iconic British publisher who creates world famous titles such as People's Friend and Commando.. It is great to see a new title coming onto the market and 110% Gaming is packed with everything readers want to know on gaming. Our association with them began earlier this year with magazines adding to the collection on Magzter steadily. We look forward to seeing new readers and gaming enthusiasts with the addition of 110% Gaming," said Angus Urquhart, Head of Business Development (Europe), Magzter Inc.

DC Thomson & Co Ltd is a private company and one of the leading publishing houses in the UK. The company's headquarters is in Dundee, Scotland, with a London base in Fleet Street. DC Thomson publishes newspapers, magazines, comics and books. The company also has interests in radio, printing, retailing and online services.

Magzter counts among its publisher customers some marquee names including Hearst (USA), Conde Nast (USA), Newsweek (USA), AMI (USA), Dennis Publishing (UK), Haymarket (UK), Media24 (South Africa), Edipresse Asia (HK), India Today Group (India), WorldWide Media (India), MAXIM Inc. (USA), Black Enterprise (USA), Singapore Press Holdings (Singapore), RBA (Spain), Grupo Expansion (MX), ePub Direct, Casemate Group, Ivy Press, Oxbow Books, AUK, Gill & McMillan, Westland, Arcturus Publishing Ltd, Osprey Group, Leadstart Publishing, Panoma Press and has been rapidly expanding its publisher base with magazines and books from more than 50 countries including USA, UK, Germany, Spain, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, and more, making Magzter truly the #1 choice for book readers and publishers the world over.

Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
* Requires iOS 6.0 or later
* 17.0 MB

Pricing and Availability:
Magzter - Magazine & Book Store 3.2.3 is free and available worldwide through the App Store in the News category. The annual subscription of 110% Gaming is $49.99 USD on Magzter. With Magzter's current festive offer, you can avail the same for just $34.99 USD. Offer valid till January 3, 2015. The app is also available on Google Play, and Windows 8, the web, Amazon App Store and Kindle Fire and is expanding to more platforms soon. Magzter's easy purchase and renewal systems ensure subscriptions are paid on time, eliminating the need for paper checks and postal mail issues. Users can buy their magazines on any of the above devices/platforms and seamlessly port their purchases to any other devices, a feature unique to Magzter.

Magzter - Magazine & Book Store 3.2.3: http://www.magzter.com
Download from iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/app/magzter-magazine-store/id412163953
Download from Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dci.magzter&hl=en
Download from Windows 8: http://apps.microsoft.com/windows/en-in/app/magzter/d6cf8e63-6af5-4710-b5e9-d3a0514292c6
Screenshot: http://www.magzter.com/thumb.php?src=http://cdn.magzter.com/1412947474/4/images/thumb/390_thumb_1.jpg&h=450&w=375&a=t
App Icon: http://a2.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple5/v4/81/fc/d3/81fcd369-00cd-a585-26d7-ee2f176c3c4b/mzl.orihehsu.175x175-75.jpg

Magzter Inc. is the world's largest and fastest growing self-service, cross-platform digital magazine store and newsstand with over 19 million digital consumers, more than 3500 magazines, 1000s of books and comic titles from over 1000 publishers. Headquartered in New York, Magzter has its local offices in London, Paris, Barcelona, Munich, Amsterdam, Cape Town, Chennai and Singapore and will soon be expanding to other countires. Founded by global entrepreneurs, Girish Ramdas and Vijayakumar Radhakrishnan in June 2011, Magzter enables magazine publishers around the world to create and deliver digital editions of their titles to global consumers. Powered by its proprietary OREY Click Publishing System(R), Magzter also enables their customers to publish interactive/audio-visual content in the magazine as it supports HTML 5. All Material and Software (C) Copyright 2014 Magzter Inc. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc.
in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.


Vijayakumar Radhakrishnan
Co-founder & President
United States

Facebook Profile: http://www.facebook.com/mobilemagzter
Twitter Profile: http://twitter.com/mobilemagzter

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Tue Dec 23, 2014 6:01 am (PST) . Posted by:

"prMac Mailer"

Christmas Santa - Make this Christmas interesting One!! - Published on 12/23/14


Just in time for the Christmas Holidays, ViPrak Web Solutions introduces Christmas Santa - Make this Christmas interesting One!! 1.0, their fun and interesting game application developed for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch devices. Players must help Santa Clause collect wish lists from the children and deliver gifts to them. Game players need to collect gifts by means of getting a higher score. The game is a great platform so that children will feel more the spirit of Christmas season.

Gujarat, India - Just in time for the Christmas Holidays, ViPrak Web Solutions is pleased to announce the release of Christmas Santa - Make this Christmas interesting One!! 1.0, their fun and interesting game application developed for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch devices. This long-awaited game application suits anyone who loves playing Christmas themed game applications.

Players must help Santa Clause collect wish lists from the children and deliver gifts to them. However, there are monsters that will attack Santa Claus. Players need get more life count so that they can help Santa Claus accomplish all his tasks. Players of this game can use simple controls to control movement of Santa Claus. Game players need to collect gifts by means of getting a higher score.

Compatible with iPod touch, iPad and iPhone, "Christmas Santa - Make this Christmas interesting One!!" is a great game application. ViPrak Web Solutions developed this game specifically for the incoming Christmas Season since most people are fond of playing games. In line with this, ViPrak Solutions conceptualized game line of 'Christmas Santa - Make this Christmas interesting Onee!!'' through the concept of giving and receiving presents during Christmas season.

The game also has multiplayer game mode which enable players to play with other people. It means of that this game is family-oriented because families can bond to each member by means of playing "Christmas Santa - Make this Christmas interesting One." The company developed "Christmas Santa - Make this Christmas interesting One" not just for entertainment purposes, they developed this to teach children sense of sharing. The game is also a great platform so that children will feel more the spirit of Christmas season.

Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
* Requires iOS 6.0 or later
* Optimized for iPhone 5, iPhone 6/6 Plus
* 15.0 MB

Pricing and Availability:
Christmas Santa - Make this Christmas interesting One!! 1.0 is Free and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Games category.

ViPrak Web Solutions: http://www.viprak.com/
Christmas Santa 1.0: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id948154052
Screenshot 1: http://a2.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple5/v4/36/b3/a4/36b3a4fa-27b0-ef6a-a48d-4824adc8d207/screen322x572.jpeg
Screenshot 2: http://a3.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple5/v4/88/77/80/887780a9-3720-feab-6de8-72a64e02efd4/screen322x572.jpeg
App Icon: http://a1.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple1/v4/d1/16/7c/d1167c3c-0128-122b-7060-a2c9a234a69e/icon175x175.png

ViPrak Web Solutions is an IT company which was founded in India by two friends Mr. Vipul Patel and Mr. Prakash Solanki during the year of 2004. The name of the company is formed by amalgamation of both the owners' name. ViPrak Web Solutions proudly provides service to its clients on Android, IOS, WP7, e-Commerce, Web Designing, Databases and CMS Development. ViPrak Web Solutions has a dedicated team which is not only full of knowledge about the field but also believes in creating products upmost to the client's satisfaction. The company mission is to ensure accurate and timely completion of projects by giving the client's project the time and attention it needs to function effectively and with the best user-friendly solution. Customer satisfaction in every endeavor is important to us, and we will not compromise. All Material and Software (C) Copyright 2014 ViPrak Web Solutions. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc.
in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.


Vipul Patel
App Developer

Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/viprakweb
Twitter Profile: https://twitter.com/viprakweb

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Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-21798.htm

Tue Dec 23, 2014 7:00 am (PST) . Posted by:

"prMac Mailer"

New Children's App From Teks Mobile Australia Emerges A Winner - Published on 12/23/14


Kids Tiles, a mobile educational app for kids released by Teks Mobile Australia, has already become a craze among toddlers worldwide. It has been well-reviewed and is being considered as the perfect follow up to the blockbuster Story Time For Kids application. Right from its splash screen to the UI/UX design themes implemented and the background animations, colors and characters, the app has loads of elements to get children hooked on to it right from the word go.

Sydney (New South Wales) Australia - The makers of the multiple-award winning Story Time For Kids app have come up with another fantastic mobile application for children. This one is named Kids Tiles - and since its release on the 15th of August - it has registered extremely impressive download figures.

The head of Teks Mobile Australia has maintained that the success of Kids Tiles is nothing to be surprised at. Before commencing the app development process, the company representatives had conducted a detailed survey in Sydney, Melbourne and several other cities - to find out about the precise nature of educational games that children loved, and parents preferred to have. This prior homework has indeed been instrumental in the creation of Kids Tiles - which is well on its way to become one of the most popular free apps for kids.

Capturing the little ones' attentions and keeping them engaged for significant time-spans are the two keys for any successful kids' app - and Kids Tiles delivers on both counts. Right from its splash screen to the UI/UX design themes implemented and the background animations, colors and characters - the app has loads of elements to get children hooked on to it right from the word go. The app is, in essence, a knowledge-enhancing game for preschoolers, and it has the potential for retaining children's interests for prolonged periods.

Apart from the toddlers, words of praise for this iPhone app for kids have been forthcoming from parents too. The application is enjoying maximum popularity in the United States and Canada - and parents from these countries have appreciated the fun way in which the app bundles in educational elements. In addition, the fact that children could operate the app on their own - thanks to the kid-friendly navigation controls and settings - have also found favor among people. Version 1.0.1 of the app released a couple of weeks back, with a few minor bug fixes. The general problem-free nature of this unique kids' application has made it a favorite of children and adults alike.

The success of Kids Tiles is also a nod to the quality of the mobile app development training sessions conducted at Teks Mobile Australia. The developer in charge of creating the app had joined the company only a few months back, and with the help of the study-sessions and hands-on training - he has already delivered a delightful iPhone/iPad app for kids. When contacted, the developer was candid enough to say that had it not been for the coaching received at Teks, making such a brilliant app might not have been possible.

Favorable reviews from third-party mobile app analysts, online app development communities and magazines have also helped in bolstering the popularity of Kids Tiles. Techno295.com and thesmartphoneappreview.com are two of the several independent sites that have published in-depth reviews of the application, and most of the features have come in for praise. In fact, after the initial bit of mobile app marketing, Teks did not have to do much to promote Kids Tiles further. The unanimously positive word-of-mouth publicity and the high ratings were enough for the purpose.

Striving for greater expertise is a common characteristic of every mobile app developer at Teks Mobile Australia. Maintaining this trait, the team in charge of Kids Tiles is already seeking feedback from users via social media as well as email surveys. These activities are being undertaken for identifying scopes of improvement in the app, as well as create better mobile applications for children in future. Till now, no complaint about Kids Tiles have come in though.

Story Time For Kids is one of the brightest entries in the app development portfolio of Teks Mobile Australia. It bagged the Adobe Design Award in 2013, and was also shortlisted for this-year's mBillionth South Asia Awards. If the initial response to Kids Tiles is anything to go by, this one might go on to win a few professional awards as well.

Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
* Requires iOS 6.0 or later
* 54.6 MB

Pricing and Availability:
Kids Tiles 1.0.1 is Free and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Games category.

Kids Tiles 1.0.1: http://www.teks.co.in/site/iphoneappdetails.php?appid=115
Download from iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/app/kids-tiles/id898758246
Screenshot 1: http://a3.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple3/v4/fd/98/98/fd9898d2-c670-2e33-7831-2fb2dd741e02/screen568x568.jpeg
Screenshot 2: http://a4.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple4/v4/d6/56/a8/d656a89f-9f80-1bc9-6bcb-ab3d48863856/screen568x568.jpeg
App Icon: http://a5.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Purple3/v4/ae/d2/45/aed2450c-fa6c-6725-acee-9656fc600cd6/icon175x175.png

Maria Thyselius Bergstrom's company is based in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. founded on 2014. Maria Thyselius Bergstrom's company is a privately held company focusing solely on mobile applications. Maria Thyselius Bergstrom's company builds exciting applications on the iPhone/iPad platform but other platforms such as Android and Windows mobile are also targeted. The philosophy behind all its application is bringing in fun, productivity and ease of use in the mobile user experience. Copyright (C) 2014 (C) Maria Thyselius Bergstrom. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.


Maria Thyselius Bergstrom
App Developer

Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kids-Tiles/809220135766621

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Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-21798.htm

Tue Dec 23, 2014 7:00 am (PST) . Posted by:

"prMac Mailer"

Theodolite Nav App and Outdoor Adventure Bundle - 50% Off Christmas Sale - Published on 12/23/14


Get the Theodolite nav app for 50% off during the holidays! Theodolite is a multi-function viewfinder that combines a compass, inclinometer, rangefinder, GPS, map, nav calculator, tracker, and geo-tag camera into one indispensable app. Theodolite is a great holiday gift or purchase for outdoors enthusiasts, professionals, students, teachers, explorers, and gadget lovers. Sale pricing also carries over to the Outdoor Adventure Bundle, which combines multiple outdoors apps at a discount.

Williamsburg, Virginia - Hunter Research and Technology is excited to offer its augmented reality navigation app Theodolite for 50% off during a special holiday sale. Theodolite is a great gift or purchase for outdoors enthusiasts, professionals, students, teachers, explorers, and gadget lovers.

Theodolite is a multi-function viewfinder that combines a compass, two-axis inclinometer, rangefinder, GPS, map, nav calculator, tracker, and geo-tag photo/movie camera into one indispensable app. Uses are endless, and the app is great for hiking, boating, hunting, golf, outdoor sports, sightseeing, navigation, and finding your way around. Theodolite also has professional grade features, and is used extensively by surveyors, geologists, architects, engineers, competitive sportsmen, first responders, military personnel, and search and rescue workers around the world.

Theodolite's sale pricing carries over to the Outdoor Adventure Bundle for iPhone and iPod touch, which combines four outdoors apps from Hunter Research at a discounted price. The Outdoor Adventure Bundle includes Theodolite, Pro Compass, Wx (US Weather), and Nav Camera. Together, the apps are discounted 33% when purchased as a bundle. For iPad, the Outdoor Adventure Bundle includes Theodolite and Wx at a 25% discount.

Outdoors apps by Hunter Research have been shown in Apple Keynotes, featured in iTunes, and even filmed by Apple being used atop the Great Wall of China! Find out why Apple included Theodolite and other Hunter Research apps among the most amazing apps available. Where will you take them on your next adventure?

Pricing and Availability:
Theodolite (iPhone, iPod touch) and Theodolite HD (iPad, iPad mini) are available on the iTunes App Store for a 50%-off holiday sale price of $3.99 (USD). Theodolite runs on any camera-equipped iPhone or iPod touch. Theodolite HD runs on any camera-equipped iPad or iPad mini. More information, including screenshots, is available on the Hunter Research and Technology website.

The Outdoor Adventure Bundle is available for iPhone and iPod touch for $7.99 (USD), a discount of 33% compared to individual pricing. The Outdoor Adventure Bundle for iPad is available for $5.99, a 25% discount.

Theodolite (iPhone, iPod touch): http://hrtapps.com/theodolite/
Theodolite Purchase and Download: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/theodolite/id339393884
Theodolite HD (iPad): http://hrtapps.com/theodolitehd/
Theodolite HD Purchase and Download: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/theodolite-hd/id425456242
Outdoor Adventure Bundle (iPhone, iPod touch): https://itunes.apple.com/us/app-bundle/outdoor-adventure-bundle/id920650575?mt=8
Outdoor Adventure Bundle (iPad): https://itunes.apple.com/us/app-bundle/outdoor-adventure-bundle-for/id928979525?mt=8

Hunter Research and Technology is run by Dr. Craig Hunter, a practicing engineer with over 20 years of experience in engineering and software development. Dr. Hunter received the NASA Software of the Year Award and an Apple Design Award for his work in software development. He founded Hunter Research and Technology in 2008 to create innovative apps that leverage the advanced hardware and software capabilities of iOS devices and Macs. The company has numerous apps available on the iTunes App Store, and develops apps for a range of clients worldwide. Copyright (C) 2014 Hunter Research and Technology. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, Macintosh, iTunes, iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, and iPad mini are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.


Craig Hunter
United States

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Link To Article: http://prmac.com/release-id-72638.htm
Link To PDF: http://prmac.com/pdf/genpdf.php?id=72638
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Personal Press Release Page: http://prmac.com/member_releases-id-3183.htm

Tue Dec 23, 2014 7:45 am (PST) . Posted by:

"prMac Mailer"

FoldersSynchronizer 4.2 - a Tool to Sync and Backup on OS X - Published on 12/23/14


Softobe is proud to announce FoldersSynchronizer 4.2, their popular tool to sync and backup on OS X. FoldersSynchronizer lets you sync and backup files, folders, disks and boot disks. It grants several powerful options like Timers, Multiple Folders, Filters, Exclude Items, Auto-Mount local and remote volumes, launch your own AppleScripts, set how to resolve conflicts, execute an incremental or an exact copy, include locked files, a preview panel, log files.

Paris, France - Softobe is proud to announce FoldersSynchronizer 4.2, their nifty and popular tool to sync and backup on OS X. FoldersSynchronizer lets you sync and backup files, folders, disks and boot disk. It allows you to organize your sync and backup in several sessions and to save your settings to a file for a later reuse. On each session you can apply special options like Timers, Multiple Folders, Filters, Exclude Items, Auto-Mount local and remote volumes, launch your own AppleScripts, set how to resolve conflicts, execute an incremental or an exact copy, include locked files.

FoldersSynchronizer lets you specify global settings like whether it should display a preview panel listing all the files FS is going to copy, replace and delete. You can also specify to save a log file, to send a log file to a custom email address, to sync and automatically quit the application...

When backing up, the destination folder will be upgraded with the newest files, the new files (new entries) and the new Folders (new entries) coming from the source folder. The source folder will be left untouched. FoldersSynchronizer can execute incremental or exact backups. The incremental backup (default) never deletes items. The exact backup deletes from the destination folder, all the items no longer existing in the source folder, and it never deletes items from the source folder.

When synchronizing, the old files will be replaced with the newest files in both directions. The new files (new entries) will be copied in both directions, as well as new Folders. The old Folders will not be replaced entirely by the newer ones, as the Finder used to do, but their content will be updated with the most recent files, the new files (new entries) and new Folders (new entries). FoldersSynchronizer can execute incremental or exact synchronizations. The incremental synchronization (default) never deletes items from the folders. The exact synchronization deletes from a folder, all the items no longer existing in the mirror folder.

Version 4.2 grants several new features and improvements and is a recommended update for all customers. You can find more information on the Softobe web site.

New feature highlights include:
* This version is compatible with OS X 10.9 or higher. Successfully tested on OS X 10.10 Yosemite
* Added the "File Versus Folder" option to the Conflict panel (Tab E). You can now set how FS should behave in case of replacing a whole folder by a most recent file with the same filename. You can set "Replace the folder" (default) or "Skip", and "Ask the user for what to do at running time". Previous versions of FS always skipped and left the folder untouched. We introduced this option since the new OSs changed some system files to folders and filePackages, so the user can easily manage these cases too. If you create a new FS document or a new session, the default settings are "Replace the folder" and "Don't Ask". Previous version documents get opened with the settings "Skip" and "Ask". You can change these settings on the Conflict panel
* Fixed a rare bug at reading old version documents
* Other minor fixes and improvement

Softobe: http://www.softobe.com/
FoldersSynchronizer 4.2: http://www.softobe.com/folderssynchronizer.html
Download FoldersSynchronizer: http://www.softobe.com/download/flsy.dmg
Purchase: http://www.softobe.com/sb_store.html
Screenshot: http://www.softobe.com/fs_sup_console_files/img_console_01.png
Application Icon: http://www.softobe.com/download/flsy_app_icon.png

Softobe is a software development company specialized in utilities for MacOS X. More info on the Softobe web site. Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Softobe. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, Mac and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.


Mark Eagan
IT manager
United States

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Tue Dec 23, 2014 7:45 am (PST) . Posted by:

"prMac Mailer"

WALTR - Drag n' Drop MKV & FLAC into iPhone/iPad for Native Playback - Published on 12/23/14


Softorino releases a new app, WALTR, a Mac app which uploads any video or audio format from your Mac into iPhone or iPad. The app lets you import and watch MKV, AVI, MP4 (or any audio format) videos on your iPhone without having to convert the files first. Users launch WALTR, connect your device, drag a movie or audio onto it & it automatically starts uploading into your iPad or iPhone. One can access the files from your native Music & Videos app. An app cannot be easier; you just drag-and-drop.

Kiev, Ukraine - Softorino is pleased to release a new app - WALTR - which uploads any video or audio format from your Mac into iPhone or iPad via Drag and Drop. It's a Mac app that discovered 4k Video Playback on iPhone 6. The cool app name was inspired by 'Walter White' from the American crime drama series, Breaking Bad.

WALTR is a revolutionary Mac OS X app, since playing non-Apple-approved media formats is a constant source of irritation for iPad owners and the workarounds make them use various converters or install special apps on the device for playback. An incredible amount of innovation went into WALTR. Instead of uploading the limited file formats that iPad/iPhone & iTunes is used to, Softorino engineered a technology that lets users upload and watch MKV, AVI, MP4 videos on their iPhone or iPad without having to convert the files first.

Apart from Video files, users can also upload and listen to FLAC (or any music format ever created) files straight from the native Music app without converting them. WALTR is the first app EVER to break the file format barrier on iPhones. For those who don't know - FLAC is Not supported in iTunes or the iPod, full stop. Since it's lossless, users are bound to convert the files to a lossless format that is, i.e. WAV, AIFF, or Apple Lossless. WALTR puts an end to this.

The app is very simple. You launch the WALTR app, connect your device, drag a movie or audio onto it and it automatically starts uploading into your iPad or iPhone. And that's it! You can access the files from your native 'Music' &'Videos' app. An app cannot be easier; you just drag-and-drop, and it's on your device.

"We made it as simple as it could be," said Sergei Kurdyashov, Softorino's CEO. "But WALTR also saves time because the uploading process is lightning fast...it can upload a 2GB movie files in under 1 minute!"

To give you a better idea of how powerful and easy the app really is, imagine this: Plug in your device. Launch WALTR. In your finder, you select 3 songs with different audio formats(flac, aac, mp3) and just drag them into WALTR. That's it! They appear in your iPhone's native music app.

Or let's say you have an episode of your favorite TV show in .AVI format and you have your favorite movie in .MKV format - you simply drag both files into WALTR and after the upload is finished, it will appear in your iPad's native Video app! Without even installing any special apps on the device.

In conclusion, the magic is that you put the file into the app and it automatically puts the file into the correct place on your iOS device becoming natively accessible. In the future, more planned features will be available such as, uploading books using the same ideal drag & drop technology.

System Requirements
* Requires Mac OS X 10.9
* Any device with iOS 5 & above

Pricing and Availability:
Users can download WALTR for free with unlimited trial for 14-days. A lifetime single user licenses will then be available for $29.95. Launch price will be $14.95 for a limited time (first 7-days).

WALTR: http://www.softorino.com/waltr
Download WALTR: http://www.softorino.com/waltr/download
Purchase: http://sites.fastspring.com/softorino/product/softorinostore
YouTube Video (Demo): http://youtu.be/KM1kRuH0T9c
Press Kit (zip): http://www.softorino.com/media-relations

Softorino Inc., a young and fast-growing European software company developing Mac OS X & Windows software such as the freeware app that received media coverage of over 70 blogs Worldwide & with over 160,000 downloads in the first 3 weeks. 'iBetterCharge' - Notifies Users on Mac & Windows To Charge Their iPhone. All Material and Software (C) Copyright 2014 Softorino Inc. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad, Macintosh and Mac OS X are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.


Josh Brown
Marketing Manager
United States

Twitter Profile: https://twitter.com/softorino

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Wed Dec 24, 2014 2:30 am (PST) . Posted by:

"prMac Mailer"

Storm & Skye - magical adventure story for kids available on App Store - Published on 12/24/14


digimoo studios today introduces Storm & Skye - magical adventure story for kids for iOS, an exciting, funny and touching story about courage, friendship and the boundless world of our imagination. It allows children to fully immerse themselves in the adventure of Storm and Skye, who discover a magical passageway to a mysterious new world in a car wash. With over 45 minutes of illustrated and animated content this beautifully narrated story offers exciting journey into a magical world.

Amsterdam, Netherlands - Available today, the app Storm & Skye - magical adventure story for kids is an exciting, funny and touching story about courage, friendship and the boundless world of our imagination. It allows children of age 5 and over to fully immerse themselves in the adventure of Storm and Skye, who discover a magical passageway to a mysterious new world in a car wash. With over 45 minutes of illustrated and animated content this beautifully narrated story offers exciting journey into a magical world.

Storm & Skye and the Secret of the Car Wash is divided into nine chapters of approximately five minutes in length each. The chapters are vividly narrated and scored with film music. During playback children can interact with the scenes on screen, by touching hot spots, which trigger funny or exciting sound effects. Each chapter ends with an interactive scene, in which elements from the story can be moved and played around with. 'Storm & Skye - magical adventure for kids' sets a new quality standard for interactive picture books. The heartwarming tale with its beautiful illustrations, music and narration is guaranteed to inspire every child to plunge into their own vast imagination.

"All children love listening to a great story that stirs their imagination. It instills their love for reading, makes them better listeners and sparks their creative fantasy. Life is a story, and there's no better way for children to deal with the challenges of this story than having the creative skills to approach them with an open and inventive mind. Parents these days unfortunately have less and less time to read to their children. We take it as our responsibility to put great, extensive storytelling on the map as an important and enjoyable part of children's education." says Barnier Geerling, director of Storm & Skye and the Secret of the Car Wash.

Device Requirements:
* iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
* Requires iOS 4.3 or later
* 260 MB

Pricing and Availability:
Storm & Skye - magical adventure story for kids is now available for $2.99 (USD) in the US and is priced accordingly in other regions. The app is available worldwide on the Apple App Store and will also be released for Android devices soon. Please visit digimoo studios online for more information on Storm & Skye, including videos and screenshots of the app.

Storm & Skye - magical adventure story for kids 1.0: http://www.digimoostudios.com
Purchase and Download: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id951794124
Screenshot 1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qum9ydh838l7fup/Storm%26Skye_screenshot_1.jpg?dl=0
Screenshot 2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u4727w8rz4rbzwe/Storm%26Skye_screenshot_2.jpg?dl=0
Screenshot 3: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fx2l3xdouagpubd/Storm%26Skye_screenshot_6.jpg?dl=0
App Icon: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4vp60rzmm2dspjm/Storm%20%26%20Skye%20Icon.jpg?dl=0

Located in Amsterdam, Netherlands, digimoo studios is a production and publishing company specialized in developing innovative entertainment apps targeted at children. The company's mission is to enable children of any age to open up to the magical worlds of their imagination and dreams. All Material and Software (C) Copyright 2014 digimoo studios. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.


Barnier Geerling
Creative Director
+31 (0)20 893 2925

Facebook Profile: http://www.facebook.com/stormandskye

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